Question : 500 Internal Server Error - The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted

Here's the problem,

We have a SBS server with ISA 2000, exchange 2003 and IIS all running on the same server.  We recently changed company names and I started messing with the certs, like a stupid person.  Now, when a user tries to access OWA, they get:  500 Internal Server Error - The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted. (-2146893019)
Internet Security and Acceleration Server.  I am at a loss as to what to do.  I have the orginal cert installed and back, howerver I keep getting this each time.  Please help!!

Answer : 500 Internal Server Error - The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted

Sorry, had not read all the way through Post, it looked as though it was going to exolain everything, but on checking only mentions client side of problem. You also need certificate installed as trusted root certificate on server. Will need to go into IE on server, Internet options, Content, Certificates, Trusted Root Certificates, Needs to have copy of your Locally produced Root Certificate (Should have been produced at same time as client certificate) imported to here.

Check below - additional point 1) after end of main install.
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