Question : Dial-up Server In Windows Xp

I had Windows 98 in the past . I used to use its Dial-up Server facility to log into my PC for remote location so that I can get drivers, patches stored on my pc to some other pc on my clients place instead of carrying them in floppy / CD.

Recently I upgraded to Windows Xp Prof. But I did not find any thing like Dial-up Server. Is this omitted ? Is there any third party software doing this for Xp ?


Answer : Dial-up Server In Windows Xp

  After googling around a bit, I managed to run across a guide for what you are wanting to do, I believe. It's a guide for setting up remote access via a dial-up connection. Check it out here:

   My personal favorite application for remote administration is TightVNC (WinVNC with compression). It has never failed me in the past, and I feel that it will most likely never let me down in the future. This isn't a dial-up server, however. I'm not sure what kind of internet connection you have, but if you have a broadband connection available, and you're `always online,' this would most likely be your best choice. You can download it from - it's a free (as in beer) program, by the way.

   Hope this helps,
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