Question : Ativa wireless router locks up  broadband downloads

My Ativa ( wireless router locks up on downloads from 5MB to 500MB.  I installed it on my main computer running broadband service and running XP.  I attached a WinXP64 computer via wireless and found connections at 2 bars yet it was about 35 feet away with only one wall between the computer and router.  On the x64 machine I found that downloads would lockup while internet surfing worked just fine.  I was even able to play games online with no problems but a download would lock and not recover.

To troubleshoot, I switched off the wireless and attached the x64 computer via the switch on the router and it locked up.  I used a seperate computer running windows XP and it couldn't connect.  Then I used a computer running Ubuntu Linux and got a connection but it locked up on downloads as well.  I went back to the main computer that is running the broadband connection that runs through the router but doesn't use the wireless or switch and it locked up as well on downloads.  After blaming charter, I unhooked the Ativa router and went back to just the main computer.  I was able to download Ubuntu ISO with no problem or lockups.

Was the router configured incorrectly or since it is not the most expensive of products, could it not be able to handled excessive downloading?  Although it locked up when I tried to download the 5MB Firebox 2.0 so I don't think that was excessive.

Really since it is boxed up I need to know if I should return the product and buy a different brand.  I also would like to know why this was happening.


Answer : Ativa wireless router locks up  broadband downloads

I would return it.  Never used that brand.  Try a Linksys or Dlink.  Very likely that is happening due to a problem with your access point.  Try a differetn brand and you will probably be fine.
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