Question : Install or upgrade to Jboss to EAP version 4.3

I need to install or upgrade to Jboss EAP version 4.2.0.CP03 / 4.3.0.CP01 on a linux server but the server does not have up2date or yum installed. Also, I don't know which jboss is installed now or if I need to purchase something.

Could someone give me instructions to do the following in ssh:
Verify which jboss is installed and if it's possible to upgrade
Upgrade to Jboss to EAP version 4.2.0.CP03 / 4.3.0.CP01

Answer : Install or upgrade to Jboss to EAP version 4.3


To verify:
rpm -qa|grep -i jboss

To install new JBoss

- download new jboss rpm
- scp to server
- rpm -iv

Or to upgrade
rpm -Uv


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