Question : VNC
hey ive recently installed vnc on my computer i hav to comps at home one pluged straight in to the netopia dsl router and one on its wireless connection i can view either comp from each other no problem even using the java viewer but the problem is wen its not on the lan how do i connect to it from a diff comp on the net the product is realvnc do i use the ip it gives me in the tooltip wen i hover on the vnc server in the systray or do i use my own ip address from my isp and if i do how does it no which comp the server is on ive diasbled the firewall on both and still cant get it workin:(
Answer : VNC
Running VNC through routers/Firewalls
If you are on the CONTROLLING computer and are behind a router you will need to open port 5900 TO the IP address of the CONTROLLED PC. (this is usually the external IP address of the router at the CONTROLLED end)
You will need to set the router at the CONTROLLED end to forward port 5900 traffic to the CONTROLLED IP address).
NB. VNC web traffic travels over ports 5800 to 5900
Why the different numbers?
VNC installs a mini web server that listens on ports 5800 to 5900, it does this because, if you need to control multiple PCs you can set so that the last two digits of the port number become the DISPLAY number (client number)
for example
machine 1 = 0 (that's port 5800) to connect type http://:5800 machine 2 = 1 (that's port 5801) to connect type http://:5801
Obviously at the CONTROLLED end the router/firewall must be set up to forward port 5800 to machine 1's IP address etc.
Why port 5900 then?
The APPLICATION uses this port
Download RealVNC http://www.realvnc.com/
Download TightVNC http://www.tightvnc.com/
Connecting over the web Java VNC Viewer http://www.realvnc.com/javavncviewer.html