Question : Receiving MMS messages and putting them onto a website


Could someone please help me with this? I am looking to allow people to send me MMS messages and for my website to upload them into a database automatically (through PHP)

I know this can be done using an email address and then just parsing that to get the picture, however, I'm looking for my users to send to an actual mobile number as they would to friends, etc (i.e. 07712345678)

Preferably, I'd like to be able to reverse charge people for doing this but at the moment that's not too important.

In short:
All I'd really like at the moment is for a person to send an MMS message and for their number and picture to be forwarded onto my website for uploading into the database.

Hopefully with as little costs to me as possible :)

Kind regards,

Answer : Receiving MMS messages and putting them onto a website

I have experience with the following GSM modems:
Telit GM862: OK.
iTegno WM1080A+ (USB connected): OK.
Wavecom modems: OK
Nokia 30: Regularly freezes within a few days.
Nokia D211: Cannot receive SMS using AT commands because they are read and deleted by the Nokia driver.
Motorola G20: The received SMSs are truncated.

The AT commands should not differ from modem to modem so if you can read SMSs on your phone, you'll be able to do that on other modems, as well. (Some modems [for example Nokia 30] may store SMSs in their internal memory besides the SIMM card so you have to check for messages in that storage, too.)

But you may forget all about the GSM modem and SMS stuff, since MMSs are transferred through GPRS. It means that you only have to have an internet connection and to handle incoming requests.

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