Question : Hosting and Domain Transfer

Hi All,

Our company accountant has asked me to review some things for one of our offices.
It turns out that we are paying rather too much monthly for a hosting package for one of our old websites.

Since the creation of the site a few years ago - the developer has joined a rival company and is acting as a hosting re-seller for the hosting provider. Nothing wrong here - however - we now have a dedicated server for our corporate web presence and I would like to move the old site onto our own server.

From previous experience with the developer - he is reluctant to give up details for the current hosting (ftp, cpanel etc) or release any design files which strikes me as wrong! And I can't deal with the hosting company directly, because I am not the client - he is.

Can you kind folk please help me formulate a plan of action to regain control of our website, and offer any advise as to where I stand legally with this guy?

Many thanks

Answer : Hosting and Domain Transfer

If there are no back-end scripts, you should be able to grab the entire web site.

1) get established with a new hosting provider -- ask provider to give you a temporary host name from their domain so that you can verify your web site data after upload
2) get backed up web site, upload to new provider and test
3) change DNS servers
4) advise original hosting site that they are no longer authoritative for your domain
5) tell developer to take a hike
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