Question : DevState (BRIstuff) => DEVSTATE (Asterisk 1.4)


I have a weird problem trying to transfer extensions.conf code from an old system, running Asterisk 1.2.26-BRIstuffed-0.3.0-PRE-1y-p to a new one, running Asterisk 1.4.24. I use SNOM phones. Here is the old code :

exten => *88880,hint,DS/*88880
exten => *88880,1,Macro(agent-login,*88880,queue1,SIP/880)

exten => s,1,NoOp(Agent Login Nr: ${ARG1} Queue: ${ARG2})
exten => s,n,GotoIf(${DB(${ARG2}/${ARG1})}?logout,1:login,1)
exten => login,1,Answer()
exten => login,n,Set(DB(${ARG2}/${ARG1})=1)
exten => login,n,DevState(${ARG1},2)
exten => login,n,AddQueueMember(${ARG2}|${ARG3})
exten => login,n,Playback(txt-70)
exten => login,n,Hangup()

exten => logout,1,Answer()
exten => logout,n,DBdel(${ARG2}/${ARG1})
exten => logout,n,DevState(${ARG1},0)
exten => logout,n,RemoveQueueMember(${ARG2}|${ARG3})
exten => logout,n,Playback(txt-71)
exten => logout,n,Hangup()

The lines

exten => login,n,DevState(${ARG1},2)  
exten => logout,n,DevState(${ARG1},0)

activate and deactivate the LED of the SNOM phone, which visually shows if the used is currently logged in or logged out. I cannot manage to get this working on the new system. I've downloaded, complied and installed the backport of the new function DEVICE_STATE to 1.4  from here (, the function is registsered, but the LEDs remain off :(

Here is the new code :

exten => *88880,hint,Custom:*88880
exten => *88880,1,Macro(agent-login,*88880,queue1,SIP/880)
exten => s,1,NoOp(Agent Login Nr: ${ARG1} Queue: ${ARG2})
exten => s,n,GotoIf(${DB(${ARG2}/${ARG1})}?logout,1:login,1)

exten => login,1,Answer()
exten => login,n,Playback(beep)
exten => login,n,Set(DB(${ARG2}/${ARG1})=1)
exten => login,n,Set(DEVSTATE(Custom:${ARG1})=BUSY))
exten => login,n,NoOp(${ARG1} has state ${DEVSTATE(Custom:${ARG1})})
exten => login,n,AddQueueMember(${ARG2}|${ARG3})
exten => login,n,Playback(txt-70)
exten => login,n,Hangup()

exten => logout,1,Answer()
exten => logout,n,Playback(beeperr)
exten => logout,n,DBdel(${ARG2}/${ARG1})
exten => logout,n,Set(DEVSTATE(Custom:${ARG1})=NOT_INUSE))
exten => logout,n,NoOp(${ARG1} has state ${DEVSTATE(Custom:${ARG1})})
exten => logout,n,RemoveQueueMember(${ARG2}|${ARG3})
exten => logout,n,Playback(txt-71)
exten => logout,n,Hangup()

Here is what the CLI shows :
[Apr 21 16:22:31]     -- Executing [logout@macro-agent-login:4] Set("SIP/880-09dd2ff0", "DEVSTATE(Custom:*88880)=NOT_INUSE)") in new stack
[Apr 21 16:22:31]     -- Executing [logout@macro-agent-login:5] NoOp("SIP/880-09dd2ff0", "*88880 has state UNKNOWN") in new stack

doesn't matter what I dial, I always get *88880 has state UNKNOWN and the LED remains off.

The function is registered :

localhost*CLI> show function DEVSTATE
  -= Info about function 'DEVSTATE' =-


Get or Set a device state

  The DEVSTATE function can be used to retrieve the device state from any
device state provider.  For example:
   NoOp(SIP/mypeer has state ${DEVSTATE(SIP/mypeer)})
   NoOp(Conference number 1234 has state ${DEVSTATE(MeetMe:1234)})

  The DEVSTATE function can also be used to set custom device state from
the dialplan.  The "Custom:" prefix must be used.  For example:
You can subscribe to the status of a custom device state using a hint in
the dialplan:
  exten => 1234,hint,Custom:lamp1

  The possible values for both uses of this function are:

Obviously I have something wrong in the settings ... :(

Answer : DevState (BRIstuff) => DEVSTATE (Asterisk 1.4)

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