Question : O-00054 not coming up in ORACLE forms -  record is locked

I have an application that does not load the form if the record is in use by another user. I am trying to get it to give a message to the user so it is clear what is happening and they can come back to the record later. So far so good - thanks to Experts Echange for getting me that far. I looked at other solutions,  and, based on them, put code in my on-error trigger so I could verify what code I am getting - I am expecting sqlcode -54. Problem is - although it attempts to lock the record and fails - I get ORA-0000 normal, successful completion
Code Snippet:
message ('Yes we have an error :' ||sqlerrm);

Answer : O-00054 not coming up in ORACLE forms -  record is locked


Maybe you have to print out error_text or code first of all,
because there is a chance that it is reset when you call the
built-in function 'message'.

We usually have the following few lines in the
beginning of an ON-ERROR-TRIGGER:

  v_error_text VARCHAR2(255) := error_text;

Thus we can be safe that the error_text has not been reset
until we need to check it (we check the v_error_text insted of
error_text then).  
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