Question : Is Notes.jar and NCSO.jar backward compatible.

If I use the latest version for e.g 8.x of Notes.jar and NCSO.jar then will I be able to
1. Parse any NSF file where a Notes client is installed. I.e If I have a 8.x client then will I be able to parse NSF file which are created in 6.x, 7.x
2. Parse any NSF file that resides on the server. ie If I have a NSF file created using version 6.x or 7.x of the Domino Server and they reside on the server version 8.x. Then using the NCSO.jar from 8.x server will I be able to extract the contents of 6.x/7.x nsf files.

Answer : Is Notes.jar and NCSO.jar backward compatible.

Notes is almost always fully backwards compatible so in theory this should not be an issue.

I hope this helps !
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