Question : LDAP "memberOf" queries

For the sake of this inquiry, I'm currently executing LDAP queries in ADUC.

This works, and returns most or all staff:
I can pick random staff from the resultset, open their "member of" lists and confirm they're part of one or many groups each.

On the other hand, none of these produce any results:

What am I doing wrong?


Answer : LDAP "memberOf" queries


Well, "XYZ.NU.CA/Baker Lake/Groups/BKMISW" should be converted some thing like this:

(&(objectCategory=user)(memberOf=CN=BKMISW,OU=Baker Lake,DC=XYZ,DC=NU,DC=CA))

I may be missing which one is OU and which is Group, so you can find syntax at and for more information see this:

Faraz H. Khan
Random Solutions  
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