Question : netstat output.

my solaris 10g netstat -s -P tcp output shows

 netstat -s -P tcp

TCP     tcpRtoAlgorithm     =     4     tcpRtoMin           =   400
        tcpRtoMax           = 60000     tcpMaxConn          =    -1
        tcpActiveOpens      =8541985    tcpPassiveOpens     =6636375
        tcpAttemptFails     =1178102    tcpEstabResets      =3970089
        tcpCurrEstab        =   353     tcpOutSegs          =637870813
        tcpOutDataSegs      =4264494647 tcpOutDataBytes     =4158460100
        tcpRetransSegs      =970083     tcpRetransBytes     =752333425
        tcpOutAck           =782158233  tcpOutAckDelayed    =162812268
        tcpOutUrg           =  1802     tcpOutWinUpdate     =250042
        tcpOutWinProbe      = 22831     tcpOutControl       =30072847
        tcpOutRsts          =4856638    tcpOutFastRetrans   =158459
        tcpInSegs           =3515848471
        tcpInAckSegs        =2150305032 tcpInAckBytes       =102418816
        tcpInDupAck         =111470035  tcpInAckUnsent      =     0
        tcpInInorderSegs    =1902119247 tcpInInorderBytes   =3071923912
        tcpInUnorderSegs    =37571088   tcpInUnorderBytes   =3757513348
        tcpInDupSegs        =622698     tcpInDupBytes       =376009442
        tcpInPartDupSegs    =  3469     tcpInPartDupBytes   =2467874
        tcpInPastWinSegs    =     5     tcpInPastWinBytes   =  6900
        tcpInWinProbe       =  1226     tcpInWinUpdate      = 22357
        tcpInClosed         =3318785    tcpRttNoUpdate      =172459147
        tcpRttUpdate        =1970102865 tcpTimRetrans       =609222
        tcpTimRetransDrop   =  1108     tcpTimKeepalive     =114978
        tcpTimKeepaliveProbe=  3187     tcpTimKeepaliveDrop =    13
        tcpListenDrop       =  8341     tcpListenDropQ0     =     0
        tcpHalfOpenDrop     =     0     tcpOutSackRetrans   =   806

what are the parameters I need to check to know if there are errors in my network. I see tcpListenDrop is non zero.

Please explain the important parameters to look for ? and what ndd parameters i need to change if needed

Thanks in Advance !

Answer : netstat output.


Hi, if tcpListenDrop increase means that your database is receiving a high number of connect request on database listener. Default value of max unfinished connections that can be handled by Oracle Listener simultaneously  is 5.

To increase this value, use the QUEUESIZE parameter on listener.ora.


The max value that QUEUESIZE can be configured is limited by tcp_conn_req_max_q (default value is 128)

I think that queuesize in 64 will increase the listener throughput and avoid tcpListenDrop.

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