Question : OpenVPN auto-connect

I'm trying to setup OpenVPN to auto-connect once it's started so there would be no need for the user to go through allllll the trouble of right clicking the icon and selecting "connect."

I read the "README" and I searched the OpenVPN forums to no avail. I added the following registry key into the registry and I get an error which I'll also add.

"openvpn-gui"="C:\\Program Files\\OpenVPN\\bin\\openvpn-gui.exe --connect CLC Main FW.ovpn"

The Error...
I'm trying to parse "Main" as an --option parameter but I don't see a leading '--'

I'm going bald here trying to get this to work and nobody can figure this out

Answer : OpenVPN auto-connect

Try run the command from the command prompt and see if it runs.


change to the bin directory

cd c:\program files\openvpn\bin

then just type

openvpn-gui.exe --connect CLCMainFW.ovpn

And see if it works.

try taking the double \\ out and make it a single \

If the above works then create a batch file with that command in it and place the batch file in your startup folder.

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