Question : Remote system not responding

Hello all you experts!

I have a real bizzare situation here that doesn't happen all the time but is intermittent at different times. The situation is this:

I have a smtp server in our DMZ that is upgraded from Domino 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 FP1 and is starting to loose connection or should say is untraceable via the notes trace method from the server console of one server to another. At different times, it appears that my performance monitoring on the Administrator client will show my probes go "red" as in the smtp server goes unavailable. When this happens, I can no longer do a remote desktop service to the box and it appears that mail pending count from our one mail server starts to increase during these periods. The strange part. Some of my collegues here can access the Remote desktop service and get into the Server when it appears "Remote System no longer responding" and I cant get to it. My manager was able to open her admin client and go right into the server console and see SMTP router routing mail...etc, however, when I try to access the from another laptop, it gives me the "Server not responding" on my laptop. I can access all other servers within the domain, except the SMTP server from my laptop or the other pc I use to monitor with. When I do a trace from the hub server/mail server to the smtp server console, it tells me that trace is unavailable.

Now, I have spoken to the LAN folks here, and they all tell me DNS is good, they can access the server from their pc's ...yada yada...but however, I cannot, and the mail pending count goes up, replication between the hub and smtp server stops. My hub server is on an iseries platform V 4.1, I think. The smtp server is on a VM Windows 2003 server that runs HTTP, POP3, ISpy, message Tracking and other server tasks.

My real question is, can there be an issue with the 7.0.3 FP 1 upgrade that is causing this to happen? All the servers in our domain(s) are at the same Domino Server level. Any ideas?

Answer : Remote system not responding

When this happens next time, use ping in command prompt with server's name to see whether it's going to return the IP address. That'll show you whether DNS works.

Check your local connection documents - local address book > Advanced > Connections to see does your server have correct address (if DNS works put the server full qualified name in that, "Destination server address", field).

When admin tels you something is working fine - you have to check yourself :)

Hope this helps,
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