Question : Connecting Wireless 4-Port Router to 4-Port Router Modem via LAN ports

I have desktop and notebook (with wireless) running Win XP Pro
I have a 4 port Modem/router which connects by LAN1 (so it has 3 unused ports) to my desktop  (Belkin F1P1241)
I have a 4 port/Wireless router ( Belkin F5D7230-4)

I know that I can connect the LAN1 of the Modem/router to the input of wireless router and then its LAN1 to the Desktop and this should work

My question is: Is it feasible to use the one of the unused LAN ports (say LAN2) of the Modem/router conected to one of the LAN ports (say LAN2) of the Wireless modem
What sort of setup procedure would I need
How do I set up the IP addresses
Do I need a bridge between the connection LAN1 to desktop) and LAN2 to teh wireless/router?
Your thoughts much appreciated


Answer : Connecting Wireless 4-Port Router to 4-Port Router Modem via LAN ports

My solution has the following steps

1) Assumiing modem router is working correctly via cable to desktop, check the IP range thatit allocates ie Set to DHCP If it starts at it will allocate LAN1 port to, LAN2 port etc ( if set to another range just remember that the LAN ports are consequent number
2) Connect wireless modem to laptop via cable and set up wireless parameters in notebook and wireless modem
Set it as a  Access Point set the IP address as
3) Plug the wirelless modem to LAN2 port on modem router

Everything should now Work!
if not the desktop should be able to connect to the IP address of both the modem router and the wireless for fine tuning

The big advantage of this is that when the notebook does NOT require wireless access the wireless modem can be switched off.

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