Question : How to send "[email protected]" as email address from Domino Server 5.08 Agent


We need to send an auto-responder email back to people who email a certain address that resides on our Domino 5.08 server.  The reponder agent is working, however the Domino server email address is being sent as "Server/"  instead of "[email protected]"

I cannot find how to configure the internet address of the server up, as one does with a Notes Client in the location and Person documents. I've checked the Server documents in the Address Book (Domains, Connections, Servers) but cannot see it.

Can this be done?  Or can it be set within the agent?  

Thanks in advance,


Answer : How to send "[email protected]" as email address from Domino Server 5.08 Agent

Make sure you have a Global Domain defined, then look at the Conversion-tab. Specify "Notes domain(s) included" as None. Adapt the other settings if required.
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