Question : MS Server 2003 DNS error (ID 5508) - The DNS server encountered a packet name exceeding the maximum label count.

Hi Guys,

Im wondering if anyone could help me out with a DNS error that keeps apprearing every 15 mins or so (AD Intergrated).

Event ID 5508
The DNS server encountered a packet name exceeding the maximum label count.

also getting
Event ID 5504
The DNS server encountered an invalid domain name in a packet from  The packet is rejected. (server coming from is an upstream dns server that forwards to this dns server).  Both servers are internal.

Brief overview:

dns server having the error.
forwards to dns server
forwards to
Telstra DNS

Im assuming that the middle server is sending bad dns request/replies to the downstream server?

Google isnt all that helpful.

Cheers guys

Answer : MS Server 2003 DNS error (ID 5508) - The DNS server encountered a packet name exceeding the maximum label count.


It looks like it, yes.

Could you enable logging for requests from the server specified above by It should be under Debug Logging in the properties for the DNS Server, set a Filter for the IP Address.

It would be interesting to see what kind of request it's actually making.

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