Question : Moving to domain SBS 2008


I'm setting up a small server for the first time.  We have 7 users now that are all on 'independent' PCs (i.e. workgroups and not necessarily the same workgroup all with local users)

I want to have the server setup as a domain controller and I want to add all the users to the domain.
I than want to have a script that adds each computer to the domain (the users can run this manually and I can modify the script for each person)
I want the script to convert their local account into a domain account.

I've looked everywhere for a simple example of this and everything I've found is either too basic or far to complicated for my basic situation.

Can anyone help with these tasks?



Answer : Moving to domain SBS 2008

U Said that you are going with SBS 2008.

After installation/creation of the SBS enviroement.  Setup new domain accounts on the Server.  

Make sure you have your DHCP and DNS working.

Once you have confirmed that DHCP and DNS is from the SBS Server, on the wktns..

just run http://connect from a browser.

Follow the prompts and the wizard will move all data/settings to the respective domain accounts.

Repeat this for all wkstns.

Pretty simple...

Hope this helps..


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