Question : Not receiving email from 1 domain

Not able to receive email from (as far as I can tell) only 1 domain.

In the SMTP logs the last thing logged is RCPT TO: [email protected]

There is no DATA command sent after that, as would be sent with a successful email.

There is no error message sent out from my mail server, there is nothing logged for that incoming message.  I can see about 4 or 5 users from the external domain are trying to email about 3 of my users and all the messages fail like this.

Is my server refusing the mail (and not logging it), or is the sending server failing to send the data?

We are receiving email from lots of other domains no problem.

Answer : Not receiving email from 1 domain

Well mysteriously last week whatever was hindering receiving email from these domains ended.  As far as I can tell no changes were made to cause or resolve the issue from my end.
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