Question : New DNS Server - Cannot add new DNS Records?

We have installed a new DNS server, it is working and our old DNS server also works if you specify the IP address in network configuration screen. If I type http://crm/ it does not load, if I type http://crm.workgroup.local/ it does work (where WORKGROUP is our old domain, and all the computers are now our new NEWDOMAIN domain. I cannot add new DNS entries, e.g. A records in our new DNS server. Any ideas? I can reload, reload from master, transfer from master only.

Answer : New DNS Server - Cannot add new DNS Records?

Not sure if you are asking this but the reason your machines won't resolve crm but they do resolve crm.workgroup.local is probably because they are now on the new domain so when you ask for just crm the machine will actually look for crm.newdomain.local (by appending the local machines own domain to whatever you are trying to resolve).

You can alter this behaviour by manually adding a list of DNS suffixes on each workstation, (IPv4 properties, Advanced, bottom half of DNS tab, select "append these suffxes in order", and put in the domains you want to append to whater you want to resolve, e.g. newdomain.local, olddomain.local)

As far as the DNS server is concerned, have you set this up as a secondary zone? You can't add records into a secondary zone, you must edit the master server. If you don't have a master any more you will need to change the zone on ther new DNS server to a primary.

NOTE: I'm assuming a Windows environment here, and none of this should apply or be nessisary for an AD intergrated DNS set-up.
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