Question : Avaya 4620 and Cisco 2950 configuration

I am trying to setup a cisco 2950 switchport to support and Avaya IP Phone and a PC.

I have setup Vlan 1 as my data vlan and vlan 33 as my voice vlan. Independently they work properly but when I connect the pc through the phone nothing works properly. We will only have 4 phones at the new location so I am statically assigning the IP addresses to the phones and the PC will use DHCP, this may be part of my problem, not sure.

VLAN 33 Voice - 10.10.76.x
VLAN 1 DATA - 10.10.74.x

Int FA0/1

switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 1, 33
mls qos trust cos

Network connectivity is fine across all vlans, as stated before if I set the devices up independently they work fine but when combined they don't work.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Answer : Avaya 4620 and Cisco 2950 configuration

I don't know much about the Avaya phone, but if they are anything like the Cisco phone they need vlan taggin. You port is not configure correctly.
try this.

interface Fa0/1
 switchport access vlan 1
 switchport mode access
 switchport voice vlan 33
 srr-queue bandwidth share 10 10 60 20
 priority-queue out
 mls qos trust device cisco-phone
 mls qos trust cos
 auto qos voip cisco-phone
 spanning-tree portfast
 service-policy input AutoQoS-Police-CiscoPhone
This will allow you to put a a VoIP phone with a seperate VLAN for Data on the phone.
Becareful, vlan 1 is usually used as the management vlan, but should not be a problem if you using it as the Data vlan.

If your phone doesn't support vlan tagging (such as the Toshiba IP phone) then I recommend putting everything on one Vlan (data) and assigning IP with DHCP.  Try configuring the port as stated above, if that doesn't work you can try configuring all devices on one vlan.
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