Question : Multiple mail server and DNS records

Morning guys and gals,

I am moving a lot of mailbox from one server to another. The new server requires new and different pop and smtp addresses.

What i would like to do is have both server running simultaneously. Both picking up mail and distributing mail. I want to do this so that i can leisurely begin switching over the 100+ users and all the Outlook clients and Blackberrys and Phone.

Is there some way to make this work? I have the DNS records current setup, but it is the MX records i am concerned about. I have a MX records for each server.... That can't be right?

What do you guys suggest here?


Answer : Multiple mail server and DNS records

It depends on the capabilities of your mail system. For something like Exchange it would be per-mailbox.

As for forwarding POP / SMTP, do you mean port forwarding inbound connections? Neither protocol can do anything particularly amazing, it's generally down to the mail server software to sort out anything above.

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