Question : Configure JBoss to load classes from the application JAR first

I have a WAR with some classes that clash with JBoss (version 4.0.2) jars. I want to congifure JBoss to always look for classes the Application WAR jars before looking for them in JBoss's jars (e.g. in server/default/lib).
I searched the web, but all I could find was general references like this:

2. Isolating the .war files
For .war files, in your jboss-web.xml, the following template applies:
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?

Can you please tell me explicitly what files I should change and what should their exact content be in order to configure JBoss to always look for classes in the WAR first, and only then in JBoss jars?
As stated above, I'm using JBoss 4.0.2


Answer : Configure JBoss to load classes from the application JAR first

It is just to differentiate two(or more) ears,wars in classloading isolation.
Generally speaking you can even deploy same ear file twice (with different loader-repository names.

You can compare it with FQDN in DNS.

So you can put:

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