Question : FTP - Website driven upload to ftp site under my domain name

I would like to know how to have an file upload feature from my website thata a client could upload a file to me - without having to know my username and password to my ftp site -- and I would like this to be controlled with a username a password so just not anyone could upload a file to my ftp site under my website.  I have a client who needs to set me 2 videos - I need the videos in file format and I cannot get a cd from them.  Remember I want the client to go to my website -- click on a file upload button -- login with a username and password (this can be fixed to admin  with a password of admin)  then get the file upload to ask them to browse to the file they want to upload -- and click upload -- I don't want them entering my ftp username and password.  thank you for your help -- is there code for this -- are there packages I need to buy

Answer : FTP - Website driven upload to ftp site under my domain name

If you are able to program server side code (asp/php/etc) then you can use the form field for uploads

You will have to write the back-end code to handle the upload and saving (along with the authentication you desire)

Since developing such a script is WAAAY outside the scope of EE, I'll point you to some tutorials and other options.

Sorry I couldn't help more, there is just too much involved to give a short/quick answer.
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