Question : Trying to set up a cache proxy server for my local home network

I have 3 computers at home and I want to set up a proxy server to help with bandwidth etc. My computer is connected to the cable internet. At present I have internet sharing on but would like to run squid to reduce the amount we download.

I would like to use squid as this seems like the way to go.

Unfortunately I can't see to find a valid link to the latest version of squid for Windows XP. I downloaded version 2.3 but didnt have succuessful running it. I kept getting
an error 1067 (or so) when trying to start the service from the "service" control panel in windows XP.

So the points are for basically helping me get running squid on my computer version 2.5 or 2.3!! P.s anyone know a link to version 2.5 that works and how to get it up and running?


Answer : Trying to set up a cache proxy server for my local home network

OK I have worked it out myself. Here is the answer if any of you guys are interested. Works like a charm

Go and download version 2.4 of the popular unix cache proxy for windows

edit the squid.conf, I used the defaults except for these settings:

http_port   <--- because my network is a local network my computer IP within that network is and we will use the 8080 port

dns_nameservers [add your ISP DNS here] <-- specify your ISP dns ip here without the square brackets, if you have more than one list them seperated by spaces (you can get this by doing ipconfig /all on the command prompt)

cache_dir ufs . 500 16 256  <--- I increased the cache size to 500 mbs instead of the default 100mbs

acl localhost src <-- specify the range of IPs that are allowed to use your proxy. In my case cos its a local network I specified to

run squid -z  from the command prompt to create the cache
run squid -i from the command prompt to install squid as a service
goto then "services" look for the squid service and start it.

Now change the internet settings on all the computers on your network to use a proxy. Specify the Ip address of the computer where squid is running in my case and port 8080

Thats all!!
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