Question : Can't Answer Calls & No Caller ID in FreePBX


I've setup FreePBX 2.6.0.RC2.1 (Asterisk, CentOS 5.3) in a VM Player 2 image (this is for testing), and have used port forwarding to route my SIP trunk (Hostcomm) through my Netgear router. I have outgoing calls working, and incoming calls kind of working. However, I'm getting 2 problems:

Firstly outgoing calls work, but don't display the Caller ID I've set. I have specified "Company" <0845XXXXXXX> as specified, but it just shows as 'UNAVAILABLE'. I did have this working previously on the VMware TrixBox v2.0 image that is available for download. I was using exactly the same setting as I am now, and CID was displayed correctly, showing up as 0845XXXXXX on my landline phone.

Secondly, I can receive incoming calls, but can not answer them. I'm using ZoIPer as a softphone, and if I call it from my land line, it rings, and a message pops up on ZoIPer asking if I want to answer, hang up or ignore. If I select answer, it just continues to ring. If I press the green dial/answer button on ZoIPer again, it just continues to ring!

I'd really like to get these 2 issues sorted if anyone can point me in the right direction!



Answer : Can't Answer Calls & No Caller ID in FreePBX

Think I managed to sort this issue myself.

Rather than using an IAX account for ZoIPer I created a SIP account, and it seems to have solved the CallerID & incoming calls ringing issues.
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