Question : What are the different methods of processing 2-way SMS?

I am trying to develop a database system (SQL) which will use SMS as input and output. A user will be able to send a text message to my application, it will then decipher what information is being sought (hopefully using Java) and return that information by SMS. I will probably use a GSM phone with a built in modem.

I have read through many websites and am confused by the different approaches people take to solving this problem.  I intend to use the Expert Exchange forum every evening to check for the latest advice.

I would appreciate advice on the following topics.

What are the different ways of sending and recieving SMS from a PC based application and which one would you advise a beginner to use?

Is Java a suitable language to use to write a program that would allow the SMS and SQL to communicate effectively?

Is there a particulat GSM phone or PDA device that you could recommend me to use for this project.

If anyone would like to offer advice via email I can be reached at

Thank you all very much for your help.

Answer : What are the different methods of processing 2-way SMS?

Hi DavidOSullivan

Here are some answers to some of your questions. I have had to make some assumtions as to your exact requirements though.

ANSWER 1: There are many ways, all of which will depend on your exact application. The first decision you have to make is whether to use a 3rd Party Gateway or a direct method as you have described in your questions. A 3rd party Gateway will give you a presribed syntax or API,s that will allow you to utilise their services. They will already have an agreement in place with a Carrier, for the actual Messaging via GSM. You will only be required to send their required format to them via the internet or email.

The other method, is where you become the Gateway, as well as providing the application or servive to the customer.

If you wish to go the route where you become the Gateway, your first step will be to reach a suitable agreement with your local (or any international) Network. They will arrange a price with you for bulk messaging, and will simply send the SMS from mobile to your Gateway and your Gateway will perform any proccessing and send a message back to them.

If you go the route of a 3rd party Gateway, they will ensure that the messages move around the GSM networks, and will send the imformation to your Server for proccessing.

This decision usually depends on the quantity of messages that you intend sending and receiving. Rule of thumb:If the quantity is small, go the 3rd party Gateway route. If large, open your own Gateway.

ANSWER 2: Java is suitable if it is the language you are most comfortable with. I am presuming that this will be a web based application, in which case, you will probably be translating through XML. SMS will not directly communicate with SQL - you will have to provide the method of translation.

ANSWER 3: There are various GSM modems on the market that are suitable, from a simple siemens phone, to modems that are manufactured to send and receive thousands of messages per hour/ per minute etc. As you can see, this is once again volume related, and will need to be addressed according to your application.

I hope this helps a bit, although it may have given rise to more questions than answers.
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