Question : Analysis tool to follow TCP connection.


I’m having a problem with a client / server app where the client is being intermittently disconnected from the host.

I suspect the server is not acknowledging the TCP packets sent causing the client to retransmit -  the client finally gives-up – and closes the connection.

I’m looking for a tool which can interrupt/highlight a TCP stream – ie to follow a TCP connection from START SYN/ACK to either clean FIN closure or an abnormal termination – following the ACK / SEQ numbers.

If  the data sent is not acknowledged, the  sender will retransmit – This is what I’m hopping to highlight.

Not being overly familiar with TCP and protocol  analysises  I’m hoping someone can point out a simple tool.


Answer : Analysis tool to follow TCP connection.

TCP is in place to handle lower level congestion and network fault issues.  In most situations the TCP settings within the stack should not need any tampering.  Although TCP will handle many issues, it is not a catch-all for all congestion and fault issues.  It can only compensate for so much, much like your car's shocks will only compensate for so much.  Eventually, the road may be too rough to drive on.  The basic test to look at here is how ALL applications are performing.  Are other apps such as email, Internet, and other internal apps functioning normally and without excessive delay?  If you look at TCP sessions for other apps, are retransmissions frequent?  If not, your app may be at fault, or there may be a bottleneck associated only with that app.  Maybe the server is too bogged down and load needs to be distributed.
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