Question : Strange home LAN problem using Win XP pro and a linksys WRT54G wireless router
I have three computers in my home running on a LAN with a linksys WRT54G wireless router as the thru-point. I had all three running Win XP pro - one laptop wireless G, one PC using standard 10/100 NIC card, and one PC using a Linksys wireless G NIC. My daughter, as all good kids will do, decided to format her machine (the PC using wireless G NIC) to load Windows xp pro (Korean version). Now the computer will not "see" the router and will not connect to the DHCP server. I can't ping any of the other machines either. It keeps insisting on assigning itself an automatic IP address. I tried manual IP & DNS. Worked for the other two machines but not this one. I've tried everything I can think of, and I'm reasonably good at this stuff. Reload the old OS, check the NIC, check the cables, check the router, check the other two computers, try the wireless card, etc. I'm stumped. Help?
Answer : Strange home LAN problem using Win XP pro and a linksys WRT54G wireless router
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