Question : How do i configure my dlink vwr router behind my linksys router for vonage to work


i have a linksys router and a vonage router -- the linksys is first -- and i would like to plug the vonage into the linksys?

How do i configure the vonage ??  It has a place for my static IP or dhcp from the isp -- it also has a place to give it a static on my lan?  also do i plug it into the linksys with a regular port or the wan port  -- also do i disable nat on the vonage router thanks --  I have tried disabiling the firewalls on both and assigning the vonage a static address on the lan -- and try to patch into the linksys with both the lan and wan port --  i am thinking it has something to do with the address page that you would use if the vonage router were directly connected to the internet -- do i configure that page as static ppoe or dhcp
i just want the phone to work of the vonage

Answer : How do i configure my dlink vwr router behind my linksys router for vonage to work

It should work with everything set to DHCP.
Plug the Vonage WAN port into a LAN port on the Linksys.
Turn it on. It should get an IP from the Linksys and should start looking for the Vonage Server and set itself up

My setup even has a Linksys switch between the Linksys Router, so I didn't have to get tricky getting the computer in the other room (where the Vonage is) to keep working with the LAN (2 computers, router, and cable modem in another room).
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