Hi !! I have lot of questions but i have gathered them all under this one as it will help me to get my needs, and i will give 500 Points for each and every questions separatly
Points 500 Q1) First thing first how/where to get Fixed IP and route that IP to my W2k Hosting Server as if it will be on my dialup connection and DSL Connection?
Points 500 Q2) How to Do the configurations of Active Directory, Is it required in W2k Hosting Server?
Points 500 Q3) What is DNS Role in W2k Hosting Server, How to setup, how to Configure, How to manage it's security if any?
Points 500 Q3) What is DHCP Role in W2k Hosting Server, Is it required?
Points 500 Q4) If you know what other things required in making a WebServer, like i sould choose Winnt, Win2k or Win2003 (only in Microsoft no unix/lynix stuff) so i will give 500 for that too no matter it is an email, url, tutorial,real free book that you have ;), ebook link or any thing even but related to hosting :-)
so when you answer any of my questions do give it's reference somthing like (A1) or (Ans1)
Regards, Meet