Question : One of my email account will be closed soon; how to transfer all of them or save in my computer?

Hi, Experts,

I have an email account will be closed soon. I would like to transfer many important emails to another account of mine or save the emails in my computer. Could you please tell me a way to do it? Of course,
I do not want to transfer it one by one.

Thanks you!

Answer : One of my email account will be closed soon; how to transfer all of them or save in my computer?

Normally the answer is yes, but that depends upon the restrictions of the university.  I'm currently doing graduate work and the university firewalls prohibit protocols required for a full e-mail client like Outlook.  Tell your university tech department that you need to setup Outlook and ask them if it will work.  Techically, it should not be a problem, but some schools prohibit this by blocking protocols.
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