>We want to write a new version of the admin screen which will show all sessions from both instances of Tomcat
Will there be multiple apps (contexts) in each Tomcat ? Do you want to include all sessions in all apps ? If yes, then you can set up your context with the attribute crossContext="true" Look at
http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/config/context.html The other instance will have to make a request ( using a java.net.HttpURLConnection
object or a JSTL import tag) to a servlet or a JSP in the first instance.
>How do you identify (from within Java) which Tomcat instance a session is running.
By java you mean to say some utility class or javabean ? Look at my last comment at
http://www.experts-exchange.com/Programming/Languages/Java/Q_24490440.html I might have time tomorrow to help you with code. I will online early morning and in the evening. Below is a start.