Question : Updating my ethernet card drivers ruined my connection!
***It seemed my last question was 5 pages back so no one was seeing it. Didn't get any responses. So excuse me if this post is only worth 30. If I can get this to work, you can go and post on my other one and I'll give you points.***
Well this is in regards to my Farallon Netline PCI 10/100 network adapter card. I sent them an e-mail but got an error back. This is what I sent. If you need any more information about my computer or the like, don't hesitate to ask. I'm losing quite a bit of valuable time I could be spending doing my work, so having not being able to connect is really hurting.
"Hello. I've been having this problem over the last few days. My internet was working competely fine as of late, but about 5 or 6 days ago, I ran the Windows 98 setup exe and pressed OK, restarted and my internet would not work after that! I have no clue why this is! I downloaded the zip file from farallon.com
I use: Windows 98 13 GB Aptiva IBM PC 400 mhz 128 mb RAM Rage Pro Turbo AGP
I'm not sure if you need any other specifications, e-mail me back if you do.
Anyway, I've tried numerous times to solve this. Some steps I have taken:
-Freed up IRQs so that Farallon Netline 10/100 PCI card was alone -Removed the card and reinstalled -Removed firewall and anti-virus software -Reset the router's settings -Updated the drivers -Deleted the netrts5.inf and rtl8139.sys files and resinstalled -Moved the card from one port to another
Plus a great amount more.
Everything seems fine. The network card reports no errors, I can run PING, and as far as I can tell everything else looks like it should work... unfortunetly it doesn't.
One thing that caught my interest was that when I ran RSET8139.exe and went to run tests, the test of network on the board came up with errors. It said
I connected at 1400 mbps at 100 full and the I/O test passed everytime, but the Loopback test failed each time. I have no clue why! I tested this out some more with every setting changed and it still made no difference.
I'm really pressed for ideas. I have no clue why my internet suddenly stopped working when I ran SETUP98.exe (the file that updates my driver).
If you can help me, I would greatly appreciate this! I've been spending 6+ hours a day trying to figure this out and coming up dry.
PLEASE! I need help! If you can help me, please respond. I've been using computers nearly my entire life so I have tried most of the obvious and alot of the less obvious solutions and I still come up dry. It would help me out SO much if someone can help me!
Also, if I use SETUP98.exe and reboot it gives me the yellow exclamation mark saying: "The ndis.vxd, netkern.vxd device loader for this device could not load the device driver (code 2)"
So then I reinstall the drivers and the network card works but it still doesn't connect. Adelphia technical support couldn't help either. =(
***It seemed my last question was 5 pages back so no one was seeing it. Didn't get any responses. So excuse me if this post is only worth 30. If I can get this to work, you can go and post on my other one and I'll give you points.***
Answer : Updating my ethernet card drivers ruined my connection!
orry for the long delay in reply. If you can Ping Yahoo by it's IPO address, and can't ping yahoo.com then you have a DNS issue, period. You need to verify that you are using the proper DNS servers.
Right click Network Neighborhood & select properties. Click the TCP/IP for the Ethernet adapter, then click the properties button.
Select the DNS configuration tab. Is DNS Enabled? It MUST be. The host and domain entries can be pretty much anything on a stand-alone machine. Just put whatever you want. One word no spaces,letters and numbers only, letter first. Check the DNS servers. are you ________100%_________ SURE they are the right servers? Call your ISP and find out, if you 'think' they are right that's not good enough, if theymatch whatever you got when you set the account up, that is not good enough either. Networks constantly change, and it is possible that you have outdated info.
Since we have established it is a DNS issue you can get to experts-ecxhange while you try to determine what is wrong by doing the following.
Open the HOSTS. file in your Windows directory. It has no extension it is plain text. Add this line to it. www.experts-exchange.com # User Defined route to experts-exchange
This will at least let you get to experts exchange at home so you can see if there is more help.
If this doesn't work then the only thing I can suggest is clearing everything on the DNS tab that you checked earlier, Disable DNS then reboot.
I highly doubt that will do it but it is the quicker than what I will tell you next.
Backup important files, _Reformat_ and reinstall windows.