Question : Restrict internet access to allow only certain pre-defined websites

I have a MS network with all XP clients and 2000 servers in an NT domain. In the office there are two types of users (actually more physical computers then users), group A with unlimited internet access and group B that should only be able to access certain predefined websites. These two groups are in different subnets 10.140.15.x and 10.140.16.x

in a perfect world all i need is a sort of an internet gateway software that can block/allow sites based on simple rules like what subnet they connect from and if it's the group A subnet then it doesn't restrict but if it's from the group B subnet it will only allow connections if the requested domain exists in a predefined domain list (as in allowing all sites in Now i would prefer a central/server based option and no client installations (as in client software/agents etc etc)

I have seen plenty of software out there that sort of does this, but they all are expensive and overkill for my purpose since they often have built-in e-mail servers, firewalls, vpn etc and they do cahing, authentication, content filtering etc etc but i only want to kill the internet access for group B computers at a reasonalbe cost... This should in theory be very very simple but i can not figure out how to go about it...

Any ideas?

Answer : Restrict internet access to allow only certain pre-defined websites


If one of the W2K servers has ISA on it, your problem is solved to...(alltough configuring ISA is a bitch i think...).

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