Question : Creating a Hotspot


I have a friend who owns a restaurant and would like to offer his customers free internet acces. They currently use Verizon DSL which is shared with 3 other XP computers in the office, which is upstairs.
What would be the the least expensive way to do this? The restuarant is about 1500 Sq ft. I dont see anymore than 10 people using the wireless at any given time. He wants it to be as simple as possibe for his customers. Can this be done?

Answer : Creating a Hotspot

If you connect the two wireless routers with a crossover from LAN port to LAN port - you are effectively BRIDGING them, and they're on the same network.  That's why I said turn off DHCP on #2 - you only want one dhcp server.  You can give #2 an IP address for management like  Make sure you use STRONG passwords, and change the username if you can.
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