Question : HELP ASAP: Windows cannot load the locally stored profile....
I have have no Idea what I did. If I screwed something up.
In my test net work I have 1 test clint pc. And one server pc running windows 2003. I logged in on the the client pc and get a msg box with a 30 seocnd count down timmer::::
Windows cannot load the locally stored profiel. Possable cause for this error include insufficient security rights or a corrupt user profile....
then box goes away and I get a new box that says:
Cannot find local profile and says it is loggin in with a temp profile.
Please help me figur this out im new to this kind of error.
Answer : HELP ASAP: Windows cannot load the locally stored profile....
This usually happens when you are trying to login as a user that does not have the proper rights for the 'C:\Documents and Settings' directory. The first time a user logs in, his settings are copied from 'C:\Documents and Settings\Default User' which is hidden to 'C:\Documents and Settings\%username%'. Without proper rights, this copy can not take place and the user cannot login. Login as the administrator and check the rights for 'C:\documents and settings'
Do you have romaing profiles? cause that would be a different problem.