Question : Win XP machine cannot see itself in a network

I have a small peer to peer set up. A laptop with Win XP Pro and a desktop with XP Home.

I have set up the My Documents folder to be shared on both computers.

The desktop can see the My Documents folder on the laptop and share files.

Oddly, when I go to My Network Places on the desktop, it does not show itself. I see the Laptop...not the Desktop.

Not surprisingly, the laptop cannot see the desktop.

I upgraded to XP SP2 on both computers.  I have run the networking wizard on the desktop.

Why cant the desktop see itself?? Or be seen by others?

Answer : Win XP machine cannot see itself in a network

make sure you have enable file sharing on windows firewall. also what do you receive is using net share coomand on desktop? this how to may help,
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