Question : missing gpt.ini

HI. i have just taken charge of a small windows 2000 server, 2000 workstation network.Tried to set up a few domain Gpo's then discovered that the default doin gpo was in the recylce bin! recovered it. but now get error message when i try to edit it " cannot access gpt.ini"

Further complication...the old gpo took away the "run" option from the start menu. How can i get to command line?

Answer : missing gpt.ini

Do you have two NICs in the SBS? These search result may help,

Cannot edit domain GPO
Description: Windows cannot access the file gpt.ini for GPO CN={31B2F340-016D- 11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9},CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=chicagotech,DC=local. ... - Similar pages

Cannot edit Domain GPO - case
Cannot edit a Domain Group Policy Object because the SBS is running on a ... for this and Event ID: 1058 - Windows cannot access the file gpt.ini for GPO. ... - Similar pages

Event ID Troubleshooting
Event ID 1054 - Windows cannot obtain the domain controller name for your computer network. ... Event ID 1058 - Windows cannot access the file gpt.ini ...

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