Question : VPN restrict access to certain IP address
We have a Microsoft PPTP VPN using RAS in a Windows 2003 Server Active Directory environment. My question is this:
We would like to restrict access to certain IP address by user/group using GPO I assume this can be done but we are struggling to find where this setting is kept within the Group Policy.
We have set up a user that belongs to a group within a specific OU so we can apply a GP to that particular OU.
Thanks in advance for any help offered
Answer : VPN restrict access to certain IP address
Actually you should be able to restict users and IP addresses in the Routing And Remote Access section of the Server. Goto Administrative Tools and then RRAS (Routing and Remote Access). Next goto the Remote Access Policies, and find the policies that match the conditions your support comany will be logging in as. Right-click and goto properties. You should see a button that says "Edit Profile" or something similar. Click that and go to the IP tab. You should be able to setup filters that way.
Be careful when fooling around with RRAS security policies. They are, IMHO, by far more complicated than GPO and NTFS permissions put together.