Question : Ghost 2003 Win 2000

I have a win 2000 pen tablet with very important files...  When booting I get blue screen reading   .... run chkdsk /f... I was able to boot from Ghost 2003 floppy, get to c:/ but it will not run chkdsk.  (bad command or file name) It has been many years since trying to do something like this...  I'm hoping it is just a simple fix.  The files I need are too big to copy to floppy.  I tried using a hard drive enclosure on my deskop and it hangs my computer everytime I try to access the disk.

Answer : Ghost 2003 Win 2000

The typical symptoms that a disk is about to fail -

- accessing anything on a disk takes a very long time or return with errors
- mouse / keyboard becomes very jittery when trying to access files on the disk

If you don't mind trying, how about going to DOS from Windows? ;) Since you've got that in an enclosure and connected to another machine. To get to DOS its Start -> Run -> "CMD" and enter.

You could try going to the broken drive and see if you can copy files that way perhaps?
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