Question : Restricting Bandwidth Usage on a Home Network
I currently have a simple home network using a basic linksys router and cable modem. The problem is that one of my two roommates is killing our bandwidth by constantly downloading huge files all day long. I've asked him to stop, and he stops for the time being, but he's right back at it later on.
What I'm looking for are different solutions to restrict his consumption. More than likely without his knowledge.
Answer : Restricting Bandwidth Usage on a Home Network
Ok Go here : http://www.bandwidthcontroller.com/ http://www.netlimiter.com/ But you need to make a Centralized server to do this. Or you can do it using Linux's Squid. Have you tried Winproxy or Wingate? They can restrict the b/w too. The main theme is these proxies/softs or squid of linux will minimize the speed of certain the applications i.e IE but not the whole bandwidth.