Question : Can not expand Pulic Folders under Exchange System Manager

Im the new administrator for the company. I have found some problems with the exchange setup. One problem I am having is when I click on Exchange System Manager > Administrative Groups > Firsts Administrative Group > Folders > Public Folders,  I get this error Message.

The operation failed due to an invalid format in the HTTP request. Verify that the host header is correct for the Virtual server.

ID no: c1030af0
Exchange System Manager

I think as a resault I am getting this error message in the event viewer under application

Metabase Update failed replication 5 times with error 80070003(The system cannot find the path specified.) Please change the diagnostic logging level of MSExchangeMU to 'minimum' or greater to find the source or the problem.

Please let me know if you have any information on this. This causing lots of problems with our network.

Answer : Can not expand Pulic Folders under Exchange System Manager

Error ID number: 80090301

Error Message

The handle specified is invalid

Possible Causes
•      This error can occur if you are requiring SSL for the exadmin virtual directory under the default Web site, but there is no certificate bound to the Web site.
•      Incorrect host header is configured for the default Web site.

•      To resolve this issue, open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Get the properties of the exadmin virtual directory and select the Directory Security tab. From there, select the Edit button under Secure Communications. Clear the Require 128-bit encryption and the Require secure channel (SSL) check boxex. Click OK and then expand Public Folders again.
•      If you do not have access to change this information in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, you can manually remove this.

•      Open a command prompt and go to the \inetpub\adminscripts folder.

•      Run cscript adsutil.vbs enum w3svc/1/root/exadmin to view the settings for that virtual directory. You should see the following if you are experiencing this error.

     AccessSSL : (BOOLEAN) True

     AccessSSL128 : (BOOLEAN) True

To change this to not require SSL, perform the following command.

cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/1/root/exadmin/AccessSSL False

cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/1/root/exadmin/AccessSSL128 False
•      Remove any incorrect host headers from the Web site
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