Question : Editing netlogon.bat

I am running a small office network, with SME 7.3 as the server and clients are windows XP professional SP2.

SME is set as the Domain Controller.

I have created several users and several groups. I have also set up several i-Bays, access to which is determined for users according to which group a user belongs to.

The XP machines are configured to logon to the domain and when different users logon, their personal i-Bay (automatically created for each user) is mapped to the machine they are logging on from.

I would like to configure the netlogon.bat so that when a user logs on, s/he gets access to all the i-bays that they have access to. There are only about 20 users, so it is feasible to add an entry for each user manually in the netlogon.bat, although automatic would be better.

Please can someone assist me with the edits that need to be made to the netlogon.bat file in order to achieve this. The default SME netlogon.bat file is attached

Answer : Editing netlogon.bat

The solution I found involves adding a 3rd party module (contrib in SME jargon) to SME Server which is the SMEServer Loginscript. This adds a tab to the SME Server Manager Console from where you can use a combination of user and group orientated IF statements to control which drives are mapped depending on who logs on. More functionality is also available.

To install this, I logged into SME Server as Root (to access the terminal prompt), then used wget to download from:

A local install on SME Server was also done from the root terminal prompt:

yum localinstall smeserver-loginscript*.rpm

Solution was taken from SME Server forum pages:
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