Question : Multiple DNS PTR Records

Is it possible to have multiple PTR records for the same IP address?  It doesn't seem logical, but if it's technically possible, I might need to do it.

Answer : Multiple DNS PTR Records

Suppose you have multiple PTR records for a given address. Then this happens:

1) A request is made for PTR records for the address, by something trying to verify one of the hostnames.

2) The server treats the set of PTR records in round-robin, "load sharing" the results. In effect, it reorders the records in an essentially random permutation, and reports them all.

3) The requester sees a stack of records, but only reads the first one. The rest are assumed to be supporting records (NS records, etc.). Thus the result is a randomly-chosen record from the set of PTR records.

There is little chance that the resulting name matches the name that was started with.
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