Question : smtp case sensitive
I have implemted a new email system for our organization. My boss wants the names to be case sensitive example [email protected]. I have set all emails this way. Users are able to send and receive however once in awhile a user will tell me that they did not recive an email addressed to them. The sender does not receive an undeliverable nothing in junk mail either.Could this be that smtp is cae sensitive for instacnce if i type [email protected], but it still goes to the person.
Or is there something else wrong?
Answer : smtp case sensitive
E-Mail addresses are NOT case-sensitive. Doesn't matter what your idiot boss wants, the standard is case-insensitivity.
Does your boss honestly have nothing more important to occupy his (or her) time?
If there is a configuration problem with your new E-Mail system, no one is going to be able to help you diagnose it unless you give a LOT more information about it.