Question : Dial Plan Application (main-menu)

i have configured a dial plan in which i need that when a call comes to extention user should hear "main-menu" version of asterisk is,


exten => 2000,1,Dial(Sip/2000)
exten => 2000,2,Answer()
exten => 2000,3,Background(main-menu)
exten => 2000,4,WaitExten(5)

the problem is that when call comes it answers  but backgroup main menu dosent play,for test purpose i had done

exten => 2000,3,Background(hello-world)
i am able to hear hello world but not able to hear main menu.

Answer : Dial Plan Application (main-menu)

main-menu.gsm is not part of the Asterisk core sounds.  You need to install the 'extra-sounds' package to get it.  The file would be in the sounds/en directory along with quite a few other extra sound files unless you messed with the normal install process.

The extra package is not installed by default and if you did not tell it to do it during the build process (through 'make menuselect') it did not download it.

You can download the sound packages you want here,

or if you use yum, just type,

yum install asterisk-sounds-extra-en-gsm

for the english gsm files.

The yum install has simply got to be the fastest way to setup a base Asterisk system going (on CentOS anyway).  Check here for how to add Asterisk to the repositories,

Note: the yum command line on the instructions page does not include the extras package either.  So if you cut and paste it you wouldnt have it.
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