Question : Ringtone Delivery Service/Application

I'm looking to start a ringtone editor/delivery service. I've done research on the net and found some information, but nothing concrete. I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction for some
answers, solutions, articles, faqs, etc. From what I've gathered so far these are the steps and items  needed to do this:

1. I need to be able to take an mp3 and cut it down to a ringtone length and convert it a specific phone format and optimized file size.
    a. I've found open-source applications/code that can edit and convert, but none are ringtone specific. Will  these work or do I need something specific?
    b. There are tons of phones and tons of formats. Is there a central source for these standards and formats?
    c. Are there existing products that I can buy or subscribe to?

2. The file needs to be uploaded to a central server that can deliver the ringtone file through a wap page, email, or sms/mms.
    a. A web server is standard enough for delivering through email, but what should I use for a WAP Gateways or SMS Gateways?
    b. Are there any 'all in one' solutions for WAP and SMS gateways?
    c. There is SMS and MMS, am I missing another type of text message?
    d. What is the difference, and would ringtones be specific to either of those.

3. The server and gateways need to interface with a cellular network to deliver the content.
    a. I'm going to need to connect to a GSM/GPRS modem or phone. How exactly should this be done?
    b. Is there a difference between GSM and GPRS? Would ringtone delivery be specific to one of these technologies?
    c. What kind of service would I need with the modem? Would it be a a regular cell phone service, or is there something specific to this need? (text messages only)
    d. Is there an advantage to using a modem instead of going through a SMS Broker? What are the differences?

4. With all that said. Does anyone know of any turnkey solutions for this? Consultants, or companies that handle this sort of business specifically?

Thanks for all your help in advance.

Answer : Ringtone Delivery Service/Application
 SendXMS (formerly SendSMS) is the most powerful and scalable program to send and receive Short Messages (SMS, EMS, MMS, ...). This software is available for Windows, Unix, Linux and MacOS.

In usual business SendXMS is able to simplify the communication channels in many ways. For example employees can be informed about incoming emails, alert messages from an automation systems can de submitted and much more. Using the userexit mechanism you can realise complex communication systems (such as multi level alarming systems or different information systems (weather, stock exchange, etc.).

Among other things SendXMS also provides the ability to send binary data such as ringing tones, operator logos, pictures and so on and is able to handle 'long short messages (splitting and reassembling of long messages into single SMSs). Even voice messages, DTMF sequences and UUS messages (User-User-Signaling with CAPI; using the D-channel without any fee) can be sent. Of course SendXMS does also support large accounts and can be used as a virtual SMSC/MMSC (using the VXMSC-Edition).

SendXMS is used all over the world in varying environments and systems for fast and reliable communication and submits the SMS data using different protocols like UCP (EMI), TAP, SMPP, CIMD, OIS, GSM, ES 201 912 (SMS for ISDN), SendXMS supports modems (analog and ISDN), MM1, MM7, EAIF. MMS-F, voice modems, GSM modems, CAPI 2.0, VoIP-CAPI, X.25, X.31, ISDN terminal adapters, AT-command emulators (e.g. cFos, HiSax) and TCP/IP, PPP connections.

Because of the command line interface SendXMS is very flexible and can be integrated without difficulty into new or already existing IT infrastructures.

You can test SendXMS for a period of 20 days without any charge.

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