Question : Unable to delte DNS entry-how can this deletion be done (see body & screenshots)

I am trying to delete the DNS entry (refer to the screenshot that has this entry highlighted).

I have been trying to do this by running the dnscmd on the DNS server where this entry is found, but have received the following errors everytime that I have run this dnscmd (see below).

How can I  delete this dns entry? Please let me know.

Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]
(C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\dstroble>dnscmd

Usage: DnsCmd []

  .                          -- local machine using LPC
  IP address                 -- RPC over TCP/IP
  DNS name                   -- RPC over TCP/IP
  other server name          -- RPC over named pipes

  /Info                      -- Get server information
  /Config                    -- Reset server or zone configuration
  /EnumZones                 -- Enumerate zones
  /Statistics                -- Query/clear server statistics data
  /ClearCache                -- Clear DNS server cache
  /WriteBackFiles            -- Write back all zone or root-hint datafile(s)
  /StartScavenging           -- Initiates server scavenging
  /ResetListenAddresses      -- Set server IP address(es) to serve DNS requests
  /ResetForwarders           -- Set DNS servers to forward recursive queries to
  /ZoneInfo                  -- View zone information
  /ZoneAdd                   -- Create a new zone on the DNS server
  /ZoneDelete                -- Delete a zone from DNS server or DS
  /ZonePause                 -- Pause a zone
  /ZoneResume                -- Resume a zone
  /ZoneReload                -- Reload zone from its database (file or DS)
  /ZoneWriteBack             -- Write back zone to file
  /ZoneRefresh               -- Force refresh of secondary zone from master
  /ZoneUpdateFromDs          -- Update a DS integrated zone by data from DS
  /ZonePrint                 -- Display all records in the zone
  /ZoneResetType             -- Change zone type
  /ZoneResetSecondaries      -- Reset secondary\notify information for a zone
  /ZoneResetScavengeServers  -- Reset scavenging servers for a zone
  /ZoneResetMasters          -- Reset secondary zone's master servers
  /ZoneExport                -- Export a zone to file
  /ZoneChangeDirectoryPartition -- Move a zone to another directory partition
  /EnumRecords               -- Enumerate records at a name
  /RecordAdd                 -- Create a record in zone or RootHints
  /RecordDelete              -- Delete a record from zone, RootHints or cache
  /NodeDelete                -- Delete all records at a name
  /AgeAllRecords             -- Force aging on node(s) in zone
  /EnumDirectoryPartitions   -- Enumerate directory partitions
  /DirectoryPartitionInfo    -- Get info on a directory partition
  /CreateDirectoryPartition  -- Create a directory partition
  /DeleteDirectoryPartition  -- Delete a directory partition
  /EnlistDirectoryPartition  -- Add DNS server to partition replication scope
  /UnenlistDirectoryPartition -- Remove DNS server from replication scope

  DnsCmd /? -- For help info on specific Command

C:\Documents and Settings\dstroble>dnscmd /RecordDelete /?
Usage: DnsCmd /RecordDelete

       -- FQDN of a zone of /RootHints or /Cache
   -- name of node from which a record will be deleted
                   - "@" for zone root OR
                   - FQDN of a node (DNS name with a '.' at the end) OR
                   - single label for name relative to zone root ) OR
                   - service name for SRV only (e.g. _ftp._tcp)
  :       :
    For help on how to specify the for other record
      types see "DnsCmd /RecordAdd /?"
    If is not specified deletes all records with of specified type
  /f --  Execute without asking for confirmation

Command completed successfully.

C:\Documents and Settings\dstroble>dnscmd /RecordDelete 3
3 ptr
Are you sure you want to delete record? (y/n) y

Command failed:  DNS_ERROR_INVALID_ZONE_TYPE     9611  (0000258b)

C:\Documents and Settings\dstroble>dnscmd /RecordDelete 33
Are you sure you want to delete record? (y/n) y

Command failed:  DNS_ERROR_INVALID_ZONE_TYPE     9611  (0000258b)

C:\Documents and Settings\dstroble>dnscmd /RecordDelete cisco-lwapp-controller.n
Usage: DnsCmd /RecordDelete

       -- FQDN of a zone of /RootHints or /Cache
   -- name of node from which a record will be deleted
                   - "@" for zone root OR
                   - FQDN of a node (DNS name with a '.' at the end) OR
                   - single label for name relative to zone root ) OR
                   - service name for SRV only (e.g. _ftp._tcp)
  :       :
    For help on how to specify the for other record
      types see "DnsCmd /RecordAdd /?"
    If is not specified deletes all records with of specified type
  /f --  Execute without asking for confirmation

Command completed successfully.

C:\Documents and Settings\dstroble>dnscmd netx-mail-02 /RecordDelete cisco-lwapp
Usage: DnsCmd /RecordDelete

       -- FQDN of a zone of /RootHints or /Cache
   -- name of node from which a record will be deleted
                   - "@" for zone root OR
                   - FQDN of a node (DNS name with a '.' at the end) OR
                   - single label for name relative to zone root ) OR
                   - service name for SRV only (e.g. _ftp._tcp)
  :       :
    For help on how to specify the for other record
      types see "DnsCmd /RecordAdd /?"
    If is not specified deletes all records with of specified type
  /f --  Execute without asking for confirmation

Command completed successfully.

C:\Documents and Settings\dstroble>dnscmd netx-mail-02 /RecordDelete 33 ptr
Are you sure you want to delete record? (y/n) y

Command failed:  DNS_ERROR_INVALID_ZONE_TYPE     9611  (0000258b)

C:\Documents and Settings\dstroble>dnscmd netx-mail-02.netx.local /RecordDelete 33 ptr
Are you sure you want to delete record? (y/n) y

Command failed:  DNS_ERROR_INVALID_ZONE_TYPE     9611  (0000258b)

C:\Documents and Settings\dstroble>dnscmd netx-mail-02.netx.local /RecordDelete
33 ptr
Usage: DnsCmd /RecordDelete

       -- FQDN of a zone of /RootHints or /Cache
   -- name of node from which a record will be deleted
                   - "@" for zone root OR
                   - FQDN of a node (DNS name with a '.' at the end) OR
                   - single label for name relative to zone root ) OR
                   - service name for SRV only (e.g. _ftp._tcp)
  :       :
    For help on how to specify the for other record
      types see "DnsCmd /RecordAdd /?"
    If is not specified deletes all records with of specified type
  /f --  Execute without asking for confirmation

Command completed successfully.

C:\Documents and Settings\dstroble>

Answer : Unable to delte DNS entry-how can this deletion be done (see body & screenshots)

Is it a secondary zone?  If so, you'll have to delete it from the server hosting the primary zone.
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