Question : Connecting two local locations via SDSL modems

I want to connect a remote building to my network via two Netopia R7200 SDSL modems.  The remote building is approximately 1200 feet away and I have six extra pairs available on a phone line that runs from my networked building.  The phone lines are not connected to phone company service.  

The purpose of this network is to provide basic computer service to two users in this remote building.  Is this possible with this hardware?  Are there any tips or tricks I need to know to do this?  

Answer : Connecting two local locations via SDSL modems

Hi there,

@emilgas is correct - the DSL modems require a DSLAM at a CO (central office) to provide them a peer signal for transmission/reception.

You are looking for something like there:

Perhaps some of these products may also be of interest to you:

I am not sure whether these are still available, but they would definitely do the trick for you!


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